Sunday, June 20, 2010

Key lessons for life and business

John and I recently returned from an incredible 3-day event for seminar leaders in San Diego, California called ‘Sold Out Seminar Secrets'. We learned a lot of things that are specific to the seminar industry and how to make events even more transformational and life changing for all our clients. In addition, they had some of the top leaders in the training &; coaching industry as speakers. These included the host of the event and the main speaker Max Simon, David Steele (Relationship Coaching Institute), Melanie Strick (Success Connections), Jeffery Van Dyk ( and John Assaraf (mega successful entrepreneur and star of the movie The Secret).

Here are a few key lessons from the event, which will help you to have more influence & success in both your life and business such as:

1) Step Into Your Greatness! The truth is most people are afraid to fully step into their greatness, because they’re afraid of what other people might say or think. Who cares what friends or family think or say? It doesn’t matter, step into your greatness anyway because when you stand in your greatness you give other people permission to step into their greatness. People want to be moved by who you are in the world. So today and everyday stand strong in your acre of greatness and allow your essence to shine through.

2) Your job is to hold a vision that is big or grow your existing vision bigger. When you deeply connect with your life’s purpose and determine why you were put on this earth, you’ll find you wake up every day with passion for life. Your job then is to begin to start a movement around your vision. You might do that by standing in front of millions of people or working in the background one-on-one influencing key people. Regardless, the first step is to really take the time to get crystal clear about what it is you care about more then anything else. Once you’ve done that important step, then you can begin to create your vision around it.

3) It’s critical to be around people who support your vision. As you’re dealing with skeptics and people that just don’t share your vision it can be both distracting and energy draining. So it’s extremely important you’re around people who are like-minded and also actively working at creating their vision in the world. By being around others who think at a higher level, it will allow you to support, motivate and energize one another. It also helps you become bolder in creating and sharing your vision with the world.

I hope these ideas resonate with you and help you in creating your vision. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this post.